Beautiful place to live, spacious apartments and washers & driers in every unit! - 4/15/2022
Jane Hirdler
I have lived at Norgard Apartments for 4 years and have liked it very much.
The building is very clean and the apartments are roomy and have good appliances. The people here are friendly and we have a beautiful community room that we enjoy. I have enjoyed playing cards and there are many occasions that there are pot luck dinners, Sunday suppers. Because of the Co-vid 19 Virus we can't do these activities the manager has provided outside entertainment for us. Very nice place to live. - 6/25/2020
A Google User
Hi I'VE been here for eight or nine years the people are nice we always have events going on, stores are close by plus food shops plus your own laundry machines in every apt plus we have games plus a wonderful staff that runs the building come and check it out and tell them Mike sent you and recommend this place it is nice. - 12/05/2018
Theresa Porter Sherman
- 8/06/2016
Kevin Chapman
Beautiful location, wonderful and friendly staff. - 8/17/2017
A Google User
Beautiful location, wonderful and friendly staff. - 8/17/2017